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coffee and laptops

Coffee and laptops is not yet finished!

2009-06-06 05:55:47

I haven't really promoted yet, neither added to search engines and such but things have gone a bit differently. You are reading this already, right? I thought I'd write this post to let you know this site is still missing some crucial features. For example - you can't login, register, nor add any free wireless spots nor laptop info or random ramblings like this. Plus some pages might look creepy, especially in Internet Explorer (who uses it anyway, right?). But I hope to get these things done early next week (probably around 8th-9th June) so be sure to come back soon.

It's all about coffee and laptops and what you can do with them. Or more like what you do when you are doing it to them. Doing like using your laptop and drinking your coffee. When your laptop is on the table and coffee is sitting next to it, some people start to work, some people go to Facebook, some people pretend to work most of the time. I guess that's me.

dudette with a laptop?

If you're a dude, or dudette for the matter, have a laptop and like coffee, well...good for you! Me too!

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